About the fellowship: Our High School Fellowship program will give 10 high school students throughout the state the opportunity to become civic leaders and community organizers. We’re seeking candidates who are invested in utilizing democracy to create changes they wish to see, who are self-reliant, who are looking to address issues in their communities, and who love to learn about issues deeply and implement those learnings through practice. 

Upon successful completion of the fellowship, participants will be awarded a $500 stipend and will be well-situated to create change, regardless if they’re old enough to vote or not.

Fellows will get hands-on experience through:

  • Bi-weekly leadership trainings  
  • Voter registration
  • Voter mobilization
  • Facilitating a civic education template 
  • Producing a final, culminating project

Now Accepting Applications
Learn more and Apply below!

Have a voice before you vote

Voting isn’t our only tool in our civic toolbox! We all have a voice we can use to create change in our communities even if we’re not old enough to vote

High school students across Montana are generators of amazing movements – organizing marches, getting problematic school policies changed, forming networks of young activists across the state and holding those that represent them accountable. You don’t have to wait until you’re 18 to become a force for good in your community. In order to create a sustainable movement – we’ve created programs that provide civic knowledge (Underage Democracy), civic practice (Democracy Days), and civic leadership (High School Fellowship) to create even BIGGER change in their communities. If you have questions about any of our programs, or if you need any support, please contact Devin Filicicchia (he/him), the Civic Education Organizer at


Civic Education Templates

Underage Democracy is our program that provides the civic education that most people don’t get. These templates are designed for students to facilitate for their peers. They’re effective, fun, and mighty informative. Click below to learn more about each template.


Mock Election

Students will explore the impact just a handful of votes can have on the outcome of an actual election. Along the way, students will learn about the life (and death) of a ballot measure and how we can remove barriers to exercising the right to vote.

~80 minutes in class; 9th through 12th grade; 4 to 42 students

Democracy Scavenger Hunt

Have you been looking for democracy in all the wrong places? This scavenger hunt will give students experience in democracy small and large. From talking to a parent about their views on voting, to attending a public meeting, this scavenger hunt will help young people understand where, how, and when they can create change in their communities.

~30 minutes in class; ~10 to 15 hours out of class; 9th through 12th grade; any number of students

Voting Rights Timeline

Follow the fight for voting rights through history. The Voting Rights Timeline will move your students through each battle for enfranchisement, helping them understand the hard-fought battle for voting rights in the United States and Montana specifically.

~50 minutes in class; 9th through 12th grade; 4+ students

Judicial System

Are you already preparing for your journey to the Supreme Court? Or are you interested in how courts impact our lives? This Judicial System Template was developed by Forward Montana Foundation and is intended to introduce young people to the federal court system, the impact it may play on their lives, and the impact individuals can have on the court system.

1 to 5 class periods; 9th through 12th grade; 4+ students

Montana State Budget

Wondering how those #taxes are used to fund things in your community? This State Budget Template was developed by Forward Montana Foundation and the Montana Budget & Policy Center and is intended to introduce students to the process of public budgeting – from taxpayers to funded programs.

1 to 2 class periods; 9th through 12th grade; 8+ students

Democracy Days


Democracy Days is our program that gives students civic practice. This event happens every May, and is a peer-led, non-partisan voter registration effort. Democracy only works when we participate! Forward Montana Foundation provides the supplies, voter registration forms, and materials; high schools provide the student leaders to host the drive.