You’ve seen them in the field wielding clipboards, organizing conferences, or on stage performing in drag. This year’s 25 Under 25 are just a sampling of young people who are changing the landscape here in Montana to be more just, equitable, and open to all.
For the last six years, Pat and I have had the honor of selecting the 25 Under 25 award winners, along with the selection committee including our daughter Linda McCulloch, Mary Stranahan, Don Seifert, Dani Howlett, Hannah Pate, and Terry Bradley. Awardees are selected from a diverse pool of candidates from across the state, based on their use of art, activism, science, or entrepreneurship to create real and positive change in their respective communities. After an exciting first day at the Montana Youth Organizing Summit, we’ll be lifting up their accomplishments and we hope you’ll join us.
25 Under 25 Award Ceremony
September 21st, 2019, Doors Open at 6:30 PM
The Baxter Hotel Ballroom
105 W Main St, Bozeman, MT
We know you will be as impressed by their accolades as we are. Over the next month, keep an eye on Forward Montana Foundation’s Instagram & Facebook to get to know them better, and consider purchasing a message of thanks and congratulations in the 25 Under 25 event program.
The 2019 25 Under 25:
Dani Daly, Bozeman
Meshayla Cox, Missoula
Thomas Culver, Billings
Alix Irvine, Bozeman
Lyla Brown, Bozeman
Hannah Johnson, Helena
Jocelyn Waggoner, Bozeman
Josiah Porcell, Billings
Marcell Bruski, Billings
Norris Blossom, Helena
Maria Vega, Bozeman
Kennedy O’Dell, Helena
Micah McFeely, Bozeman
Quincey Johnson, Ennis
Jamie Baird, Bozeman
Abigail Rausch, Helena
Emma Folkerts, Bozeman
Sierra Pannel, Missoula
Jaeger Held, Broadus
Kaleigh Mency, Bozeman
Isaac Nehring, Helena
Michael Peter, Havre
Taylor Blossom, Bozeman
Tim Osen, Bozeman
Jessica Hays, Bozeman
Pat and I hope you will join us in September to thank them for their hard work. We can’t wait to see where they go from here!
Carol Williams